Wednesday, December 19, 2012

D.I.Y Cake

In my PCS class, there were always like some topics that been presented by my classmate about UTP students that doesn't have car. Not only once but until two or three times. Yeah, they are talking about me (bcoz I don't have car sobss). 

The same thing happens when it comes to celebrating friend's birthday. What's in your mind when we talking about birthday? Correct, cake! So, for the person like as i had described above,we have to find some alternatives to get a cake without going out from our campus. 

D.I.Y cake, why not? <:)

Things that you need: 

marble cake. bought from the mart for RM 3-4

chocolate bar. then, you melt it using microwavespread to the cake

ice cream! as a topping

nips or smarties or m&m's for decoration

 fruits. if you're more creative, maybe you can use strawberry/kiwi fruit (pavlova)

tadaaa. the cake after decoration :)

Munirah Z.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Durian Crepe

8.39 pm

Yesterday, I had tried my first Durian Crepe after everyone in EFBI, Twitta was like "Arr, sedapnya durian crepe", "Lembut je rasa dia" "Smooth, cepat je habis :D". 

Yeah, it's not bad. The durian flesh combined with fresh cream wrapped with something like lempeng, durian crepe. 

Munirah Z.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

December 12, 2012 Opening


Exactly at 12.00 am on December 12, 2012 I started my new blog. It's just accidentally actually, without intention. I was stuck doing my presentation text and yeah new blog idea comes apparently. 

Yeah, the old one not been deleted yet since I love to delete the pics there. Childish one actually. LOL. 

I'm w/ the miniature of the new
 project of PETRONAS LNG, floating rig. 
Cool isn't right? Need no land after this.
Munirah Z.