Friday, May 12, 2017

My Birthstory / Pengalaman Bersalin Saya

Assalamualaikum & Good Day!

Wow, just wow! After three years I start to blog again. Alhamdulillah ala kullihal it's 5 months already since I gave birth (popped out) my baby. I can't believe that I'm now a mother to a cute princess (is there any baby that's not cute? Nope right!).

Alrite, back to the post title, yup! I wanna share on my experience giving birth to Nur Syafiyah Inara. It's gonna be a long post, so take a deep breath.

8 December 2016

Today my pregnancy reached 38 weeks 6th day and also my last checkup before due date. My obgyn was Dr Asmah Mastor from KPJ Klang as I wished to deliver my baby there. During the scan, the doctor estimated that my baby's weight is 3.4 kg and suspecting that her shoulder is quite wide (for normal delivery it cannot more than 15 cm i think and Inara estimated already 15.1 cm). She said that I cannot wait any longer more than 40 weeks as it can lead to shoulder dystocia (usually doctor can give you time up to 42 weeks if your pregnancy is fine and normal). She said that i have to be admitted by 15/12/16 if i still not deliver my baby and cesarean will be done the next day. 

When i listened to that, my heart was deeply crying inside as no women wants to deliver her baby through operation unless the situation lead it to happen. She asked me to control food intakes to prevent the baby from getting bigger but i think it was already late and i really cannot control my appetite. She also checked my pathway and it was 2 cm already (but i didn't feel any pain yet). I went back home and cried to my husband.

There is saying:
"Seorang muslim tu tak dikira terdesak memerlukan pertolongan sehinggalah dia bangun tahajjud"

Yep, it's true. I did that. Start from my last appointment I cannot sleep well and I always hoping that contraction to occur during I sleep. Every single night. When i woke up and there was no any signal of labor, i really frustrated. I told myself, "Muni, prays! Nothing impossible if we ask from Allah". 

But after several times i said "Whatever, czer pun czer la, why bother". In another hand, my forever prayers since the early of pregnancy are may Allah: ease my delivery, it's not a prolong labor, not too painful & not many stiches. Sounds demanding? Hey, it's okay since I asked from Allah, our Creator not from human.

9-11 December 2017

My husband and I did not lose hope. Eventhough I was quite redha to undergo cesarean, but we still walk here and there. We went to One Utama & Aeon Shah Alam for me to exercise and walk to induce labor la kononnya.

Oh btw, during in Aeon Shah Alam we ate in an Ayam Penyet restaurant and the sambal was very spicy. Berapi sangat. Afterwards, I had stomach ache and I told my husband "It's the time but I still can control it". After several hours of contraction, I went to the toilet for a nature call and poof all the pain gone. I was quite sad, "Cehh, false labor".

12 December 2017

A day before the labor. It was public holiday due to Maulidur Rasul and it was 4 days away before my cesarean date. As usual we went out for my routine exercise and this time we went to Sunway Pyramid. But before that we had our lunch in Jemari Seksyen 7, Shah Alam. 

- My last lunch before pantang. Also the spicy one-

At that time, Sunway Pyramid car park were full and we had to park in the hotel boundary and had to walk very far to get into Sunway Pyramid. Since my intention wants to walk a lot so I don't mind. However that day, I felt like my energy was drained out not like our previous outings. Usually, I will left my husband far at the back because I walked super fast and active but not this time. After one hour I asked my husband to bring me back and rest at home.

During dinner, my husband bought us Sate Kajang and I asked him to buy me Mee Goreng. That Mee Goreng also very spicy. I didn't finished that Mee Goreng as I was full. I performed Isya' prayer at 9 pm jumped onto the gym ball so hard and went to sleep.

9.40 pm - I felt stomach ache and went to toilet as usual. But this time the pain was quite suffering than usual & I saw blood spot in the toilet bowl I called for my husband to confirm what I saw. "That's blood spot, right?", but my husband also blurred and said "Entah". Eee sabar jela. 

Quickly after the first contraction, I pressed START in my app. Contraction Timer app. Very useful. I told my husband it was like a period pain and asked him to massage me at the back. My contraction interval between each one another was rapidly fast. In just one hour after the first contraction, it was already five minutes interval, and 50 minutes after that two minutes interval. 

11.40 pm - Doctor's advice is if it's already five minutes interval, you can make your way to the hospital. But since my contraction was very fast and it was my first experience, I also confused. After two hours, my husband said, "Let's go to hospital since we also cannot do anything at home if it's true labor". I walked slowly to the car and my husband dropped me to Emergency. 

13 December 2017

12.00 am - We reached KPJ Klang and I was using a wheelchair pushed by my husband to level 3A. When we arrived there, the nurse ask me to lay down as she wanted to check my opening. It was already 4 cm and true labor. At that time in my head was just "Okay, the time has come and I have to give birth". 

12.20 am - I already in Labor suite. The nurse already called my doctor. Luckily, she haven't sleep yet and directly make her way to the hospital after received the call. My husband gave me dates paste and water to recharge my energy.

1.00 am - The nurse come again and check my opening and said "6 cm". She offered me epidural but I said no. I can withstand the pain and it's 1000 bucks though hahaha. She advised me to inhale the gas if I feel the contraction. My husband wanted to give me 'air selusuh' that he made by himself by reading Quran but I refused as I was too scared with 'air selusuh' bahaha. I read that after we consume 'air selusuh', we will having painful contraction. Until the delivery time I did not consume that. Hehe sorry husband.

1.30 am - I felt like want to poo poo and I told the nurse and she checked my opening, "7 cm".

1.45 am - It went very fast, I said the same thing as before and the nurse checked again. It was 8 cm already. The nurse said my contraction was quite  strong and I continued inhale the gas. The gas is my savior, thank you.

2.05 am - I said to the nurse I think the time for me to push has come. She checked again and didn't say anything. I know it was 10 cm already but the doctor haven't arrived yet. The nurse called Dr Asmah again and she said she 's already at the hospital car park.

After Dr Asmah arrived, she wear hospital surgery kind of uniform and safety boot like Phua Chu Kang (I noticed that haha sempat) and transformed the bed that I'm also not sure. The bed can be detached for the delivery. I googled and I think it was like below: 

2.15 am - Okay, it was the time of the real struggle. It is push out time! I also don't know how to push, just push they said when the contraction appear but then I didn't feel the contraction anymore as I was sleepy due to too much gas that I inhaled hehe. After several times, the baby popped out at 2.27 am. Alhamdulillah. Doctor asked my husband to cut Inara's umbilical cord and azan/iqamat her.

They wiped the baby and put Inara onto my body but still I didn't have any feeling yet. I also rabun and cannot see my baby clearly. After the delivery, I was like "Oh, macam niy rupanya beranak". It was not bad as what I was imagined before. My sister also noticed that I doesn't look tired. 

What I wanna share here is don't lose hope to Allah. When I remembered again this moment, I wanna cry as Allah granted all my request to Him. Scrolled back above what my Du'a was. Except the last request I'm not sure as I didn't ask how many stitches I had. Maybe I have suffered enough during pregnancy hence He ease my delivery. Thank you Allah! :)

And dear Inara, thank you for coming into my life. You taught me how love without limit is. Your birth weight: 3.51 kg, height: 50 cm, head circumference: 35 cm.

Munirah Z. 

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