Friday, August 23, 2013

Secret Donor That Impressed Me

Assalamualaikum and good evening (as at the time I'm writing it)

As i promised before (ouh, who cares?) I wanna write a story (real one, happened to me) recently. 

Twas happened after all of us (in UTP) busy with collecting our examination slip as the exam is just around the corner. One day we (certain people) got to know that one of our friend can't collect his examination slip as he haven't settle the university fees for this semester yet. 

It was about 3K (but he got 1.5K from other source) so we have to help him in order to get another 1.5 K. Once i received the message that tell me about that matter, i quickly opened an email thread to tell everyone. 

Well, you said Ukhuwah Fillah Abadan Abada, now it's time to practice that theoretical thingy :P. Me just do it for the sake of treasurer assistant. Okay, I can't tell about it with details. Sorry.

So, the donation run smoothly. I received a lot of notification email telling about money that has been transferred to my account. Not to forget, i used my personal account as i don't have special account for this thing. 

Surely i know who has donated as the bank will automatically tell the name of the 3rd party account. The same thing goes to who donated cash. Of course i'll know as they will meet me. 

But, for those who using cash deposit machine, they have to PM me if only they donated money as i don't want to be confuse as it will mix with my money and if only i don't notice it and use that money, what should i answer in front of Allah later.

The donation still keep ongoing. And everyday i will post something like "six days left", "let's help our sahabat that in needs" etc. One day, i checked my transaction history online and i noticed someone has transferred the money using cash deposit machine without telling me. 

So, i posted again in that email thread asking about this and please PM if only you are the one who transferred it. You know, i have to know as i said before it's my personal bank account. It might be from my family, customers etc. About two days after that, still nobody admit as the donor. 

Hence, i asked again and told that it just make me confuse and i know you want do it secretly and sincerely but please i just not sure whether it's belong to me or not.

They day after i explained it, i received a SMS that really makes me impressed and 'wow' you. The SMS as below: 

Look carefully at the number. It's private number! The level of your sincerity is at the maximum. 

Munirah Z. 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Sunday, June 16, 2013


It might seems 'poyo' but it's true :)

If they don't appreciate you, they don't deserve you.

Another one:

When you feel unappreciated, don't brush it off, know your worth and have faith that someday you'll find someone deserving of your time, effort, energy and above all, love. 
Munirah Z. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Don't Be Sad

Sadness consumes us and takes up the time we could have used to be happy. Sure it’s a long stretch to say ‘don’t be sad’ knowing that it’s easier said than done, but the next time something saddens you, do the following:

1. Close your eyes. place your hand over your heart, that alone should remind you of your purpose. You were made to serve Allaah subhanahu wa ta’ala. You were made for so much, fulfill your duty by making the most of your time.     

2. Smile. It psychologically helps you feel a little better. Even if it’s not genuine or sincere, just smile.

3. Distract yourself by doing something else. If you’re thinking about your poor grades for example, think about Salaah and how you need to pray. Or perhaps go exercise or read a book.

4. Talk it out. Talk to yourself. Let it out, don’t vent to anyone, vent to yourself & complain to Allaah alone.

5. Remember Allaah. Remember what awaits you if you’re patient. Jannah inshaa’Allaah.

6. Remember death. Will this situation matter when you’re dying? It wont, death is the biggest obstacle, bigger than even what you’re going through.

7. Remember the death of the Prophet. He went through so much that could cause any person to become depressed and upset for life, yet he had trust in Allaah and always saw the good side of things.

8. Trust in Allaah. What is making you sad right now, wont continue on making you sad forever. Look back at all the other times you were sad, do they matter now? They wont matter in the future, so let go of it.

9. Find a lame joke and laugh at it. That’ll liven up your spirit. 

10. Make duaa and lots of it. “Verily in the Remembrance of Allaah, hearts find rest.” & duaa and reading the Qur’aan are the best forms of remembrance.

11. Write a letter. If you hate writing, paint or draw something and focus on it. The more you focus, the smaller your problems appear to be.

12. Bake something you’ve never baked before.

13. Clean/ organize/ decorate your room/ home.

14. Play dress-up and play with your makeup!

15. Snap outfit shots!


Munirah Z.

Monday, February 18, 2013

The Telekung Story

I feel like writing today. I read someone's tweeted:

"ye saya setuju. pakwe berbudi patut bagi makwe dia telekung. kalau makwe pakai telekung tu utk solat, dapatlah pakwe itu pahala."

Then, suddenly I remembered what my mum told me last holidays when I went back home. 

"Muni, ibu suka sangat telekung yang muni bagi, kain dia best. Ibu cuci telekung niy, walaupun tak kering sepenuhnya still nak guna jugak tuk solat. Besar pahala muni dapat."

Wah, when i was listened to that, I was like feel so grateful. Present that given by us, people use it for solah. Especially by the person that we should pious most after Allah and Rasul. 

Actually I wondered because my mom having many more telekungs that higher quality and patterns or even more expensive compared to what I gave to her. But yeah, mine have been selected as the best one. =')

The telekung that I meant for

Munirah Z.